Author: Pat Pace
Keep your private oasis pristine! Call Xpress Pool Service today!
Our Monsoon is here! If you are swimming and hear THUNDER, it’s CLOSE enough to strike! Get out immediately and go inside!
Keep Your Family Safe!
Keep your family safe! Missing or non-VGBA compliant drain covers are dangerous!
Another Beautiful Remodel!
Another beautiful remodel by Xpress Pool Service!
Stonescapes pebble surface in Tahoe Blue Mini and Firestone Stone Gray tile.
Keep Our Pets Safe!
Cartridge Filters
Keeping your pool in pristine condition includes cleaning the cartridge filters. We recommend every 6 months!

It’s Officially Monsoon Season!
Pool tips after a monsoon storm:
Run your pool until your pool is clean
empty pump and skimmer baskets
sweep benches and steps
add shock if needed
ensure filter is cleaned on a regular schedule