Category: Pool Safety
Our Monsoon is here! If you are swimming and hear THUNDER, it’s CLOSE enough to strike! Get out immediately and go inside!
Keep Your Family Safe!
Keep your family safe! Missing or non-VGBA compliant drain covers are dangerous!
Keep Our Pets Safe!
Memorial Day
Remembering all fallen soldiers this Memorial Day! Safe swimming this weekend! 
If you read the Arizona Republic newspaper, you may have seen this editorial in Sunday’s (4/23/17)
edition. By Phil Boas: “IF SWIMMING POOLS WERE TIGERS, WE’D ALL UNDERSTAND. My father, who was a Phoenix pediatrician and later pediatric radiologist at St. Joseph’s Hospital, saw way too many child drownings and the terrible aftermath of near drownings. He used to say people in Phoenix have a tiger in their backyard and don’t even know it. In fact, he said, we might be better off with tigers than swimming pools. At least then parents would always be alert to the threat. As we enter swimming season, fear the tiger in the backyard.”
Pool Safety
Never leave a child unattended in or near a pool or spa and ALWAYS watch your children closely around all bodies of water!
The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (VGBA) is a United States law named after Graeme Baker, who died in an accident in June 2002, when the suction from a spa drain entrapped her under the water. She was the daughter of James and Nancy Baker and the granddaughter of former Secretary of State James Baker III. The Act was first introduced by Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz and was supported by the Baker family and Safe Kids Worldwide.
If you are not sure if your pool drain covers are VGBA compliant, please contact Xpress Pool Service and we can assess and advise and replace if necessary. Call Pat at 623-853-6859