Category: Pool Maintenance
Keep your private oasis pristine! Call Xpress Pool Service today!
Cartridge Filters
Keeping your pool in pristine condition includes cleaning the cartridge filters. We recommend every 6 months!

It’s Officially Monsoon Season!
Pool tips after a monsoon storm:
Run your pool until your pool is clean
empty pump and skimmer baskets
sweep benches and steps
add shock if needed
ensure filter is cleaned on a regular schedule
Above all, if you hear lightning, it’s close enough to strike! Stay inside and be safe!!
Cartridge filters should be cleaned and inspected every 6 months (or more often if necessary)! Filters with cracks or broken banding should be replaced. Also remember to inspect the manifold!

Ducks in a Pool!!
Ducks are such cute birds, especially in the spring when they have ducklings! But they don’t belong in your pool! They are messy and can pollute the water! Use deterrents such as floating beach balls and search for nests in your yard! Shoo!!
Don’t Let This Happen To You!
If your pool is turning green, but has plenty of chlorine, test for phosphates! Adding phosphate remover also removes the food for algae!
How long should I run my pool motor?
The answer is “as long as it takes to clean your pool”! You need to filter the entire volume of the pool every 24 hours! Whether this is 6, 8, 10 hours depends on how clean your pool stays! Happy Swimming!!
It’s Time To Drain and Refill Your Pool!
Cooler temperatures in Arizona is the perfect time to DRAIN AND REFILL you pool!
Then, take advantage of that empty pool to clean the tile, acid wash and re-caulk under the deck.